604-700-3475 shca.org@gmail.com


Free to just BE: Meditation is the Key

Recharge the Battery of a Depleted Mind

Do you find yourself losing your mind as the pace of life speeds up? Is there a feeling of being pushed and pulled everywhere in many different directions? If yes, then you are most likely experiencing stress and a feeling of being trapped. It’s a hollow feeling within of losing touch with your true inner peace and power. Over time, as our mental-emotional and physical health loses balance, this feeling leads to dis-ease and illness. 

At SHCA, meditation is the way to come back into balance, clear out the blockages, and re-discover our beautiful selves. The practice makes it natural to always be at ease and comfort, no matter what comes in life. Through meditation, we build ‘mind muscles’ that help us to manage change in life, thrive, and enjoy a healthy life free from dis-ease:

1. Self-awareness
2. Acceptance with understanding
of myself and my world.
3. Focus: Stay present, alert to all possibilities

As a result, our emotional immunity which is our internal built capacity to manage changes in physical health and environment of people and situations gradually increases. We also learn to transform suffering from physical pain and mental illness with detachment, love, and compassion. With dedicated and consistent practice, we master our senses – remain undisturbed by everything happening outside by retaining inner focus of attention

Learn More. Try out our mind-full meditation sessions – all Free of cost.


Reduce Stress

✓ Increase Concentration

✓ React less, Respond in the right way with a calm, clear mind.

Balanced energy flow

✓ Stay calm but alert, focused but not tensed.

Being naturally happy ... no matter what

✓ If you think right, you will feel right, at ease.

Increased inner strength

✓ Emotional Immunity in the face of challenges

 Increase your internal capacity to manage change.

Harmony in relationships

✓ Be more aware of how you think and feel and the same for others who you care about.

✓ We learn to choose our responses with clarity, love, and compassion.

Physical health benefits

Strengthens immune system

✓ Reduces chronic pain

✓ Helps manage symptoms of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression

Experience the benefits. Come meditate with us. Join our mind-full meditation sessions.

Get In Touch



220 – 225 Francis Way, New Westminster, 
BC V3L 0G1



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