604-700-3475 shca.org@gmail.com


Recharge the Depleted Mind

My mind becoming calm and stable with positive thoughts


Proven, real benefits that transformed lives in a magical way: – within 3 months to a year of practicing meditation regularly and consistently, students experienced increased calm and greater resilience to face the same life challenges.


Take Charge.

✓ Re-create yourself and your world.

✓ Get rid of the old patterns.

✓ Enjoy the journey of learning at SHCA!

Join our interactive learning sessions.. All programs are Free of cost.


Build emotional immunity with Mind-Full exercises


✓ BEAT the cause of ANGER.

✓ BUILD mind muscle of POSITIVE thoughts

✓ Learn to stay STRESS-FREE.


Experience results.


✓ Learning Lab – Check.Choose.Change.

✓ Mindfulness and meditation sessions

✓ Mindful Kitchen and Nutrition for strong mind and body

Our Programs


Meditation sessions


Interactive Learning Sessions


MInd-ful Kitchen & Nutrition


Giving Back - Community Participation

Learn more about us and our programs 

Tired of Being Tired? – Recharge

Do you find yourself losing your mind as the pace of life speeds up? Being pushed and pulled everywhere in many different directions? If yes, then you are most likely experiencing stress and a feeling of being trapped. It’s a hollow feeling within of losing touch with your true inner peace and power. Over time, as our mental-emotional and physical health loses balance, this feeling leads to dis-ease and illness.


Our strength is amplified with collective action, and you can help make a difference right now! The support we receive is a huge driver of the community’s service we do in building and sustaining healthier lives. Get in touch today and join our community in making a lasting impact.

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsor

Get In Touch



220 – 225 Francis Way, New Westminster, 
BC V3L 0G1



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